On Fri, 1 Nov 2002, Iain 'Spoon' Truskett wrote:
: > This is currently running in a window that does Latin-1 rather than
: > UTF-8.  Do these French quotes come through?
: >     @a «+» @b
: The window may say Latin-1, but the mail header said UTF-8.
: As it happens, I couldn't see them until I piped the message through
: less. That said, I've probably got a misconfiguration somewhere.
: I usually have trouble with top-bit set chars, and ms codepagisms.

I was misconfigured here.  My pine was marking it as UTF-8 even though
the window was Latin-1.  So you ought to be able to see this: @a «*» @b.

I'm definitely going to look into mutt though...gotta have Unicode email.


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