So is it usefull to make sence out of these : 

hash ^[op] hash 
hash ^[op] array 
hash ^[op] scalar 

array ^[op] array
array ^[op] scalar

Actually , 
I just want to understand , why so much accent is put on vectorizing 
atomic operations with arrays . It seems that hashes are at least as 
frequent . And automating operations on them may be just as usefull. 

( my feeling is that the reason is not the same as in Matlab and such
.. Because it begin to look like Matlab . 

with arrays we have to resolve the question :

        what to do if @a, @b in @a ^[op] @b have different length 

with hashes we will have this question 

        what to do if %a, %b in %a ^[op] %b have not the same set of keys 

we can resolve it with properties on hashes. 

        %a is vector_intersect 
        %a is vector_unify

Now we have also this question : 

what to do  in %a ^[op] @a 

this again can be resolved by hash property : 

%a is vector_maptoindex { return int rand }

I am not shure we need all this ( and in this form ) , but if
vectorizing array operations make operators so heavy , we have to
probably take a ride on it.  I dont know. Or probably to go on that
path we should introduce tenzor operators . There was a discussion
about Sets .

how about having 

@a ???[op]  @b = [ array of   @a[x] op @a[y]   for all pairs x,y ] 

this path have no end, but where to stop ?? 


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