On Sat, Nov 02, 2002 at 06:07:34AM -0700, Luke Palmer wrote:
> I do most of my work over an ssh connection to my favorite server,
> through gnome-terminal.  gnome-terminal does not support unicode, so
> this whole thread has been filled with ?'s and \251's.  I can't see a
> thing...

gnome-terminal does support unicode.

For the gnome1 version:
- select a font in iso10646-1 encoding
- set at least LC_CTYPE to something like en_US.UTF-8. At least in
  Debian GNU/Linux you might also have to "dpkg-reconfigure locales" to
  actually enable that locale to be generated
- "echo -n ^[%G" inside the terminal, where ^[ is a literal escape
  character (type it as Control-V Control-[)

For the gnome2 version:
- set at least LC_CTYPE to something like en_US.UTF-8.
- start a new gnome terminal. If you already have one running with a
  different locale setting, you might have to run it as
  "gnome-terminal --disable-factory"

This is enough to run mutt and (with the right font, like misc-fixed)
read almost any correctly tagged Asian spam!


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