[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Markus Laire) writes:
> It may seem idiotic to the egocentric people who only needs chars a-z 
> in his language. But for all others (think about Chinese), Unicode is
> real asset.

I don't often think about Chinese. Chinese is hard. But I think about
Japanese a lot of the time, and without Unicode data processing in Japanese
would be (was, in fact) a complete nightmare.

But I was talking about the specific case of Perl operators, not
Unicode in general.

I'm surrounded by electromagnetic radiation all the time. There are radio
stations broadcasting at lots of kW, other people using phones, the police, 
[...] the X-rays coming from my monitor, and God help us, the sun. I figure 
I have better things to worry about than getting cancer from the three or 
four minutes a day I spend on my cell phone. - Dave Brown.

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