Proposal for the "purge" command as the opposite of "grep" in the same way
that "unless" is the opposite of "if".


I've lately been going a lot of greps in which I want to keep all the
elements in an array that do *not* match some rule.  For example, suppose
I have a list of members of a club, and I want to remove (i.e. "purge")
from the list everybody for whom the "quit" property is true.  With grep
it's done like this:

   @members = grep {! $_->{'quit'}} @members;

Obviously that works well enough, but just like "unless" somehow
simplifies the logic by removing that leading !, "purge" can simplifiy the
array filter:

   @members = purge {$_->{'quit'}} @members;

FWIW, I came up with "purge" because my first inclination was to spell
"grep" backwards: "perg".  :-)


Miko O'Sullivan
Programmer Analyst
Rescue Mission of Roanoke

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