--- Brent Dax <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mr. Nobody:
> # --- Austin Hastings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> # > It's very much like the good old days of trigraphs. But on the plus 
> # > side, once all the losers get their fonts/xterms/editors 
> # up-to-speed 
> # > on extended character sets, the trigraphs will die a 
> # forgotten death.
> # 
> # How about people who can't? Lots of people don't own the 
> # computer they're using, so to upgrade stuff they'd have to 
> # ask the sysadmin. And you know what happens when you annoy 
> # the sysadmin...
> I suspect that was sarcasm.

Which was? Mine or Austin's?

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