--- Austin Hastings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- "Mr. Nobody" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > --- Austin Hastings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > --- Simon Cozens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dan Sugalski) writes:
> > > > > Ah, that's a different question. Having Unicode synonyms may
> > well
> > > > be
> > > > > considered reasonable thing
> > > > 
> > > > Sounds like the good old days of trigraphs.
> > > 
> > > It's very much like the good old days of trigraphs. But on the plus
> > > side, once all the losers get their fonts/xterms/editors
> > up-to-speed on
> > > extended character sets, the trigraphs will die a forgotten death. 
> > > 
> > > Oh, glorious future ...
> > > 
> > > =Austin
> > 
> > How about people who can't? Lots of people don't own the computer
> > they're using, so to upgrade stuff they'd have to ask the sysadmin.
> > And you know what happens when you annoy the sysadmin...
> You remember that stoner kid who always sat at the back of the class
> and pretty much C/D/F'ed every class?
> That's what trigraphs are for -- the middle-to-bottom of the curve. If
> you can't upgrade, and your admin won't upgrade, then you learn to use
> the trigraphs. 
> Right now almost all of us are in that boat. And we're talking about
> trigraph ops, like ~> and <~ and |~> and [+=] and whatever. As we get
> better, more Unicapable, whatever, we'll move on to full Unicode ops.
> Look at MIME -- once, the only way to email a binary file was with
> uuencode. A few short years later, presto! Every pinhead in the
> marketing department is attaching 4 gigabyte pdf files to their
> corporate spam. It's the same thing -- if people want to do something,
> and can benefit from it, then they'll drive it to happen. 
> Think about what would have happened if someone argued that NO files
> should be binary, because we couldn't email binary files -- there'd be
> no downloadable internet porn. :-(
> A vote for Unicode is a vote for naked chicks! Go us!
> =Austin

trigraphs are actually better, even if you are unicode capable. ~> is far
easier to type than ctrl-u-15F9E2A01 or whatever it is.

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