Damian Conway:
# What ~> and <~ do is to (respectively) allow arguments and 
# invocants to appear in a different position to normal: 
# arguments to the left of the subroutine/method name, and 
# invocants to the right of the method's argument list.
# So, for subroutine arguments, these are exactly equivalent:
#       ($arg2, $arg3, $arg4) ~> subname $arg1;
#       subname ($arg1, $arg2, $arg3, $arg4);


        @a ~> grep { ... } ~> @b

Is the same as

        @b = grep { ... } @a


# Notice that, in addition to pipelines, these proposed 
# operators give us MTOWTDI with respect to ordering of the 
# components of a sub or method call. That is, Perl 6 
# subroutines may have prefix and/or postfix argument lists, 
# and Perl 6 methods may have invocants that are any(prefix, 
# infix, postfix).
# Yes. And the inference that most people seem to have drawn
# is that this implies that Perl 6 would still have 
# "stand-alone" C<map> and C<grep> functions.
# However, I suspect the correct inference is that Perl 6 will 
# have C<map> and C<grep> *multimethods*.

As in...

        class Array {
                method grep (Array $ary: Code $code) returns Array {
                method grep (Code $code: Array $ary) returns Array {

?  And this would automagically get mapped into Array::grep?  (Reminds
me of C++ operator overloading for e.g. "operator +(int,

@roles=map {"Parrot $_"} qw(embedding regexen Configure)

"If you want to propagate an outrageously evil idea, your conclusion
must be brazenly clear, but your proof unintelligible."
    --Ayn Rand, explaining how today's philosophies came to be

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