Paul Johnson wrote:

Well, I'll be pretty interested to discover what cause is deemed more
deserving than Larry, Perl 6 or Parrot.  The P still stands for Perl,
True. But I suspect that TPF's position is that, to many people, Perl 6 is
far less important than mod_Perl, or DBI, or HTML::Mason, or POE, or PDL, or Inline, or SpamAssassin, or XML::Parser, or YAML, or the Slashcode, or any of a hundred other projects on which their job depends on a daily basis.

Supporting those efforts is important too, and TPF has only limited resources.

Of course, it's my belief that supporting Larry (and Dan) to create Perl 6
is the single most important thing that TPF could do. Because, ultimately, it will benefit all those other projects enormously too.

But I'm clearly biased. :-)


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