On Mon, Mar 10, 2003 at 08:20:39AM -0800, Paul wrote:
The real nightmare tends to show up when you duplicate a modifier.
What does

.method given $x given $y; # which object's .method is called?

mean? It gets worse below....

I made a mistake in my original post, they definitely need to be left- associative. Your example should obviously be interpreted as:

(.method given $x) given $y; # calls $x.method

I think this is similar to how I mentioned that a duplicate 'for' is pointless. Just because pointless modifier combinations exist doesn't mean multiple modifiers in general are a problem.

lowest? why lowest?

Ehm, because that is consistent with current behavior?

Careful with that.... If you make it a lowest
precedence operator,

$x = $y if $z; # = is higher precedence

Does it get assigned if $z is undefined?

since 'if' has a lower precedence than '=', this is: ($x = $y) if $z; or equivalently $z and ($x = $y)

In either case, the assignment is done if $z is true

I may be missing something, but

print if $x if $y; # ??

Are you saying "test $y, and if it's true, test $x, and if it's true
then print"?


I suppose that might work....but that still makes it high
priority, doesn't it?

It means the left side is not always evaluated; that's short-circuiting and has nothing to do with precedence. Notice how in perl 5 the 'or' operator is in the lowest precedence class, but certainly short-
circuits (think "foo or die")

print "$x,$y\n" for $x -> @x for $y -> @y; # is that approximate?

Syntax error. The -> operator doesn't make sense without a block. See http://www.perl.com/pub/a/2002/10/30/topic.html


print for @x for @y; # @y's topic masked

would probably make no sense unless ...

Note that I actually *said* it makes no sense. I have to admit that if the conditionals (if, unless, when) would be operators, I'd have trouble to think of a situation where multiple modifiers are useful at all; which I why I said making the conditionals infix-operators would probably suffice.

Then again, I just thought up (perl 5 style):

print for split while <>;

but I have to admit I can probably live without the ability to write something like that ;-)

Matthijs van Duin  --  May the Forth be with you!

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