> - Given the following code, what is called by $ride.current_speed()?
>     class Vehicle {
>       my $speed;
>       method current_speed() { return $speed; }
>       method set_speed($n) { $speed = $n; }
>     }
>     class Car {
>       submethod current_speed() {
>          print SUPER.current_speed();
>          return SUPER.current_speed();
>       }
>     }
>     class A6 {  }  
>     my $ride = new A6;            # Perl with German engineering???
>     $ride.set_speed(60);          # Calls Vehicle.set_speed()
>     print $ride.current_speed();  # Calls what?
> [NB: an A6 is a type of car made by Audi; I couldn't resist.]
> ==/

Assuming the obvious inheritance, Vehicle.set_speed() would be called.

> - On page 9, on the section concerning Rules, we see the following
>   quote: 
>   "They [rules and methods] share the same namespace, and a rule
>   really is just a method with a funny syntax."
>   If that's so, why does there need to be a distinction between them?
>   Wouldn't it be better to use up as little mind-space as possible,
>   and reduce the required syntax set, by eliminating rules as a
>   separate type? 
> ==/

No.  Rules fit better in a grammar than subs, and help the psychology
of people in various ways.  For instance:

    multi subst(Str $str: Rule $match, Code $repl) { ... }

Helps people to know that $match should be a regex.  Helps the
compiler, too.

Also, it looks nicer:

    sub identifier {m{ <[\w]-[\d]> \w+ }}
    rule identifier { <[\w]-[\d]> \w }

> - Also on page 9, concerning macros:
>   "...while a macro's name may be installed in either a package
>   or a lexical scope, its syntactic effect can only be lexical,
>   from the point of declaration (or importation) to the end of
>   the current lexical scope."
>    Does that mean that I cannot define a bunch of commonly-used macros
>    in a single file and then use them in different files?
> ==/

I think he talked about this in an appendix.  You can export them, if
I recall.

> - SUPER:: is mentioned on page 9.  Was this an analogy, or a
> demonstration of intention to keep it?
> ==/

I think there was intention to keep it.  It's a useful thing, you

> - Regarding <== and ==>:
>     list(@foo, how => 'scrambled' <== 1,2,3)
> I had to read this a bunch of times before it started to make any
> sense.  What is happening here is that the 1,2,3 to the right of <==
> constructs a list, and the list(...) constructs a list of everything
> inside it.  So a list is made of the 1,2,3, and that list is then
> appended (via the pipe) to the list being built by the list(...).  Is
> that correct?  And doesn't it meant that the <== is redundant and
> obfuscatory?  

I'm not too happy with the semantics of ==> and <==, but they might
grow on me... we'll see.  Anyway, yes it is redundant.  Just as
postfix C<if> is redundant with C<and>.  It's still a useful thing to
have, in terms of readability.

And like most things in Perl, it can also be obfuscatory, given the
proper guise.


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