David Storrs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Greetings all,
> Ok, it took me several days to get through A6, and I'm not caught up
> on all the mail yet (though I've tried to skim so I don't repeat
> someone else's question).  I'm left with a bunch of questions; can
> anyone answer the following:

[ list of 7 thematically unrelated questions, sharing only the fact
  that they were sparked by the same Apocalypse ]

Okay, I almost put this into the summary, but it's really something
internal to the list:

Please, I'm begging you, when you have a bunch of questions about an
apocalypse which are otherwise only tangentially related, break the
list up into multiple posts. This thread is not the only offender by
far, but summarizing the responses to such a list is a complete
nightmare; I have to jump back and forth between posts, trying to
separate out the substrands so as to present something coherent. Or, I
just get pissed off with the whole affair and fail to do a good job of
summarizing. Also, if you split the questions up into multiple posts,
you have the opportunity to help me (and all other readers) still
further by coming up with meaningful subject lines for each
question. Trust me, a subject line of 'is static?' is way more useful
to the reader than 'A6 Questions' or 'Apoc 5 - some issues'. Also, if
you avoid 'grab bag' posts, you'll probably see more attention given
to your individual questions.

Make my life easier, go on, you know you all want to. 


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