On Sat, Mar 22, 2003 at 10:24:09PM +0200, arcadi shehter wrote:
 sub a {
     state $x;
     my $y;
     my sub b { state $z ; return $x++ + $y++ + $z++ ; }
     return &b;   # is a \ before &b needed?

will all &b refer to the same $z ?

yes, they will

does it mean that this is legitimate

 sub a {
     state $x;
     my $y;
     state sub b { state $z ; return $x++ + $y++ + $z++ ; }
     return &b;   # is a \ before &b needed?

No, since you can't refer to $y in that sub (perl 5 actually allows you to do that but gives a warning 'Variable "%s" will not stay shared' - but I hope perl 6 will simply give a compile-time error)

Matthijs van Duin  --  May the Forth be with you!

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