The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030323
    Assuming I can tear myself away from stroking the cat who has just
    magically appeared on my chest and is even now trying to wipe his dags
    on my nose, welcome one and all to another Perl 6 summary, which should
    go a lot quicker now that Sully has moved off and let me see the screen.
    He'll be back though. But before that happens we'll start with

  Speed question: save/restore vs push/pop
    Benjamin Goldberg wondered about how many "save"s it takes to be slower
    than one "pushx". Steve Fink pointed out that "save" and "pushx" are not
    interchangeable as they push things onto totally different stacks
    ("save" pushes onto the generic user stack, "pushx" push onto type
    specific register frame stacks). Leo Tötsch ignored this difference
    (which Ben was apparently aware of) and did some tests which showed
    that, on his local architecture and core, 2 saves were slower than one
    push. On Dan's machine, it took 3 saves to be slower than one push. Dan
    also pointed out that, on some architectures, there's a subtle win with
    saves because a push would dirty the L1 and L2 caches while the save
    wouldn't. (On SPARC at least, apparently).


  Baby Steps in porting IO to the PIO architecture
    Last week, Leon Brocard posted his implementation of the uniq(1) Unix
    utility to PASM. This week, Jürgen Bömmels' ongoing project of moving
    Parrot's IO operators from the STDIO library to Parrot's own PIO library
    (which is asynchronous and a combination of lovely and scary by all
    reports.) broke this because PIO didn't have any read buffering
    capabilities, which means that the "readline" op didn't work.

    On Monday, Jürgen had write buffering working, which Dan applied with
    alacrity while making noises about needing to finish up the
    documentation for Parrot's asynchronous IO system. There was some debate
    on whether a PIO flush should force a write to the disk, or simply
    ensure that all the buffers were flushed to the OS. Nicholas Clark
    discussed some issues he'd had with Perl 5.8's PerlIO system, and the
    need for two different kinds of flush, or more succinctly, the need to
    distinguish 'flush' from 'sync'. Dan was convinced by this argument and
    Steve Fink seconded the decision.

    Then, on Sunday, Jürgen released a patch which got read buffering
    working. Dan had a few problems with it and the patch hadn't been
    applied by the end of the week. I'm sure it'll go in like a greased
    weasel once that's been fixed though.

    <> -- Jürgen adds write buffering

    <> -- Nicholas discusses different types of "flush"

    <> -- Jürgen adds read buffering

  PBC Object Files
    Michael Collins wondered if it might be a good idea to come up with a
    parrot 'object file' specification. I liked Michael's description of an
    object file as 'a file that contains compiled instructions plus a
    section with a table that maps subroutine/constant labels to their
    corresponding byte offsets within the file.' Leo Tötsch's answer was
    'not yet'. Apparently the basic functionality is there but there are
    some cleanups and a couple of opcodes needed.


  Parrot binaries
    Ask Bjørn Hansen posted to say that he'd been trying to make an RPM
    .spec file for parrot and had noted the lack of a "make install" target.
    He also wondered about the permissions of various files in the
    distribution, which seem somewhat cockeyed. Steve Fink posted a patch
    which covered some of this (or at least the make install and RPM issues)
    with tools which would generate RPMs and asked for comments on his work.
    Leo Tötsch liked it and offered a couple of suggestions


    <> -- Steve's working patch

  Some comments on PDD 14 Big Numbers
    Mark Biggar, who implemented the original Big* packages for Perl had
    some suggestions about Parrot's big number handling based on PDD 14.
    Benjamin Goldberg wondered if it would be a good idea to design our
    BigInt type so that we could replace the maths engine with a different
    engine so that users could pick which ever engine they prefer as
    configuration option, and so that new maths engines could be added
    without having to make wholesale changes.


  99 bottles of beer on the wall
    Douglas Hunter appears to have noticed that, up until now, Parrot had
    lacked a vital program -- one which would output the lyrics to that well
    known song, *99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall*. So, being a community
    spirited kind of chap, he implemented just that and posted it to the
    list. A few people quibbled about his style (unnecessary labels, that
    sort of thing). Leo Tötsch pointed out, with the aid of some IMCC output
    that the optimizer caught those issues anyway, and added the code to the
    Parrot distribution's examples/ directory. Well done Douglas, it's good
    to see Parrot being used for essential applications like this. I'm just
    surprised nobody has yet benchmarked the Parrot implementation against
    Perl and Python. This may just be the test application we need for the
    Parrot/Python speed challenge.


  BASIC, IMCC and Windows
    Clinton A Pierce has been having a hard time making good on his offer to
    produce a milestone Windows binary for distribution. He's having a hard
    time building IMCC because it seems to want headers that MSVC++ isn't
    happy with. Dan noted that this needs to be fixed before the next
    release of Parrot (which will be either 0.1.0 or 0.0.11) because he
    wants to get rid of the IMCC/parrot difference and just have a single
    binary. Leo Tötsch and Nicholas Clark offered a few suggestions about
    workarounds, but it looks like there's still no Windows distribution for


  Iterator Proof of Concept
    Following the deafening response to his Iterator proposal of last week,
    Leo Tötsch agreed with me that that must mean that everyone liked the
    idea and posted a proof of concept patch and invited comments. Nobody
    has yet done so.


  vtable_1 - accessor macros
    Leo Tötsch has started work on hiding vtable functions and posted his
    first patch. He commented that the new accessor macros seem to make for
    more readable source files. He asked if people were okay with the macro,
    as the next step would be to start using the macros all over the parrot
    source. Nicholas Clark liked the basic idea, but worried about
    documentation, and about the possibility of scary macro layering a la
    Perl 5. He also wondered if it would be possible to conditionally write
    them as inline functions, which would make debugging easier. Leo didn't
    see much point in making this particular set of macros into inline
    functions as they were simple translations with no complex


  Parrot 0.0.10 released
    Parrot version 0.0.10, codename 'Juice' was released on Wednesday. Steve
    Fink rounded up the usual list of improvements and generally did a good
    job of letting the world know about the new Parrot release. If you want
    the details, follow the link.


Meanwhile, over in perl6-language
    perl6-language was again the busier list this week. The fallout from
    Apocalypse 6 continues both with clarifications of what was in that
    document and some suggestions inspired by it.

  is static?
    Towards the end of last week, Uri Guttman had asked about a possible 'is
    static' variable trait, and the discussion carried on into the this
    week. Arcadi Shehter suggested using "has" to introduce a static

        sub foo () {
            has $s //= 0;
            $s ++;

    Larry described this as a *very* interesting idea, but was concerned
    that this might be akin to overloading the meaning of "has" in the same
    way that C overloaded the meaning of "static". Damian also worried that
    using 'has' in this way would mean stretching 'the concept of objects a
    little too far'. He also thought that using "//=" to initialize such a
    variable felt wrong, and that maybe we needed a third assignment
    operator to go with 'assign unless true ("||=")' and 'assign unless
    defined ("//=")', which could be thought of as 'assign unless exists'
    and suggested "??=" as a possible (though he didn't profess to actually
    like it). Damian also thought that such functionality should really be
    introduced with a trait and suggested a list of possible trait names.
    Uri was unconvinced by any of Damian's alternatives and proposed
    deciding the name with a duel on the beach at Boca Raton.

    Larry decided that using a trait to denote a 'static' variable would be
    the wrong way to go because such a variable has a different kind of
    scope from a "my" variable and described the whatever declaration was
    eventually settled on as introducing a lexically scoped alias to a
    property of the current block. Larry later suggested "state $s = 0"
    because 'a static var makes a subroutine stateful'. Uri wasn't sure, but
    Damian liked it.

    Arcadi Shehter wondered about scoping of lexically scoped subs and if
    they could really be thought of as lexically scoped at all, whereupon he
    and Mattijs van Duin got a bit tangled up with the various kinds of
    scoping available, but there's been no definitive comment from Damian or
    Larry about the correct behaviour.


  On the place of Scalar in any class hierarchy
    During the discussion last week about strictness and type coercion on
    function calls, some confusion arose about whether "Int isa Scalar", or
    "Scalar isa Int|String|Float|...". David Whipp proved himself a hero by
    posting on this subject, pointing out that Scalar is the type of the
    variable, not of the value (I'd probably replace variable with
    'container', but I'm picky like that) and explained how this solved some
    of the problems people had been having. There was no comment from Larry
    or Damian about this post, but I thought it was wonderful.


  A6 questions
    Dave Storrs posted a grab bag of questions about Apocalypse 6 and got a
    grab bag of answers.


  Apoc 5 - some issues
    Matthijs van Duin had a pile of questions and issues with Apocalypse 5.
    Some of the questions were Hard. Only Luke Palmer dared answer them. He
    and Matthijs batted things back and forth a few times, but it looks like
    Matthijs still had some issues with backtracking into and over closures.


  "XML is Too Hard for Programmers"
    Rich Morin pointed everyone at Tim Bray's article about XML being hard
    to deal with in most programming languages. Robin Berjon chipped in with
    a pointer to an xml-dev thread on the same subject. There was a certain
    amount of muttering about companies that use formats that seem to walk
    like XML but fail to quack like XML (the initials M & S were used, and I
    don't think they were referring to Marks and Spencer). Michael Lazzaro
    made an impassioned plea for insuring that Perl 6 allows easy, fast
    parsing of XML-like things out of the box. Austin Hastings suggested
    that Michael should take command of P6ML. Dan pointed to a basic Parrot
    XML parser in the Parrot examples directory that was at least four times
    faster than the equivalent Perl 5 code that it's a line for line
    translation of, and noted that the performance numbers were old.


    <> -- Tim Bray's article

    <> -- xml-dev thread

  Rules and hypotheticals: continuations versus callbacks
    Remember what I said about Matthijs van Duin still having some issues
    with backtracking? Well, he kicked off a whole new thread just to
    discuss it and two possible methods for implementing the grammar system
    (labelled the 'backtracking continuation' and 'callback' methods).
    Mattijs would like to see the backtracking continuation method blessed
    as the right way. (He discusses all this here because the choice of
    implementation could well have language level implications). Luke Palmer
    was concerned that both of Mattijs's proposed implementations would be
    very slow and had a couple of other possible implementation approaches
    (the 'success continuation' and 'backtrack exception' methods). Mattijs
    reckoned that the success continuation approach was pretty much the same
    as his 'callback' method, and that the 'backtrack exception' method
    seemed to have problems with rules like "<foo> <bar>". And then it all
    got very complicated as Dan and Matthijs went back and forth at the
    issue with occasional interjections from others where appropriate. Then
    someone mentioned threads...

    Dan and Matthijs seem to have very different sets of assumptions which
    leads one to suspect that they're arguing past each other on occasion. I
    certainly found myself wishing there was somewhere convenient with an
    ample supply of chalkboards, chalk, index cards and Sharpies and other
    high bandwidth communication aids where they could go and come to some
    kind of understanding.

    At one point Austin Hastings observed that 'when anyone says "I don't
    see why anyone would ...", Damian immediately posts an example of why.
    Unless it's Damian, in which case Simon, Larry, or Dan usually
    counterpost.' Hey, it made me smile.

    I think Larry's only contribution to this thread bears repeating in its

    I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of you for working
    through these issues. I bent my brain on the Perl 5 regex engine, and
    that was just a "simple" recurse-on-success engine--and I'm not the only
    person it drove mad. I deeply appreciate that Perl 6's regex engine may
    drive you even madder. But such sacrifices are at the heart of why
    people love Perl. Thanks!


  Questions to Help Program Perl6::Parameters
    Brent Dax is working on a Perl6::Parameters source filter for Perl 5, a
    task he describes as 'damn hard'. He had a couple of questions about
    argument behaviour. Damian had the answers, and made noises about his
    forthcoming module, Perl6::Rules. Simon muttered something about
    Parse::FastDescent (but everyone passed over that) and pointed out
    Matthijs van Duin's work in progress.

    Larry thanked Brent for taking on the task and 'suffering vicarious pain
    for the user' and mentioned that he was interested in feedback on spots
    where the design impacts performance unduly. Larry went on to discuss
    possible changes to the scoping of $_ to help with with the transition
    from Perl 5 to Perl 6. He and Damian proceeded to discuss other
    entertaining syntax possibilities to do with "want", "where" and "when".
    Nobody has yet proposed meaningful semantics for "what", "who" and
    "why", but I'm sure somebody will get 'round to it.


    <> -- Matthijs' work in progress

  ".req" or ".arity"?
    Austin Hastings asked that Routine's ".req" method be renamed ".arity".
    Damian rather liked the idea. Larry wasn't so sure because ".arity" is
    somewhat opaque to non-mathematicians, but he accepted that one could
    argue that anyone who doesn't know what arity means shouldn't be writing
    code that depends on it. Steffen Müller thought that either ".req" or
    ".reqargs" would be a better name for the method.

    For those who don't know, 'arity' is the number of arguments a function
    or operator takes.


Acknowledgements, Announcements and Apologies
    And another summary rolls towards its close. I'd like to echo Larry's
    thanks to everyone who's working on scary magic like the Perl 6 rules
    engine and Perl6::Prototypes. The way people like Brent, Matthijs, Leo
    and Luke have stepped up to the plate for this undeniably Hard Stuff is,
    frankly, inspirational. It's people like you who keeps me bullish about
    Perl 6.

    Thanks too to everyone else involved in either list; Michael Lazzaro
    made the point that often the most productive way for perl6-language to
    proceed is for an initial suggestion to be thrown out onto the list,
    then everyone has a good long wibble about it going off in about 3000
    different directions at once before someone (usually one of Damian,
    Larry or Allison but not necessarily) pulls it all together into
    something that makes sense and we move on to the next item. My gut tells
    me that without all the wibbling the end result wouldn't be quite so

    For instance, much as I hated trying to summarize the everlasting
    pipeline thread, the end results of that discussion are the rather
    lovely "==>" and "<==" operators that appeared in the latest Apocalypse.
    (Of course, Larry or Damian will probably respond to this summary by
    telling me that actually, they'd been planning something like that all
    along. I just won't necessarily believe them)

    If you appreciated this summary, please consider one or more of the
    following options:

    *   Send money to the Perl Foundation at
        <> and help support the ongoing
        development of Perl.

    *   Get involved in the Perl 6 process. The mailing lists are open to
        all. <> and <>
        are good starting points with links to the appropriate mailing

    *   Send feedback, flames, money, photographic and writing commissions,
        or a print of Mark Citret's *Empty Room* to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

    This week's summary was again sponsored by Darren Duncan. Thanks Darren.
    If you'd like to become a summary sponsor, drop me a line at


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