One thing we should clear up is that we already *have* a generic comparator, C<~~>, depending on what you mean by "generic". It can be made to compare things however you like, according to whatever standard of similarness you decide you want to enforce, and can even compare objects of disparate types (if you tell it how.)

The way I personally have been envisioning this working is:

   $a == $b;   # compares numerifications of $a and $b
   $a eq $b;   # compares stringifications of $a and $b
   $a ~~ $b;   # tests equality of $a and $b
   $a =:= $b;  # tests identity of $a and $b

Of these, I would expect that ==, eq, and =:= would almost never be overloaded, because they have very specific meanings.[*]

You _could_ choose to override those == and eq for a particular custom class, and use those for comparing equality of objects. But since some people will tend to want to override ==, and some will want to override eq, it's not clear that the Perl6 community will converge on using only one or the other, which might make things quite confusing if you're using a library that has standardized on the opposite convention from your own.

~~, on the other hand, is meant to be overloaded to a possibly-excruciating extent, and I've been assuming that it will be the thing that classes most often overload when they want to test "equality" of two arbitrary objects, without resorting to serializing them via num/str. (Using num/str comparisions to test for object equality obviously only works if num/stringifying _completely_ serializes the object -- which very often is _not_ what you want the num/stringification of an object to do, by default.)

The proposed =:=, however, merely tests that two objects are identical -- that is, _that they are bound to the same underlying thing_. It's possible for two objects to be equal, ~~wise, without actually being identical, identitywise. I don't see ever wanting to overload =:=, and it's unclear if it should even be allowed.

Note also that == and eq comparisions are naturally accompanied by greater-than, less-than variants. But ~~ and =:= don't really have those variants, because they wouldn't make much sense.

Having said all that, it should be noted that I'm completely making this stuff up.


[*] By 'overloading', I mean multimethod variants. The comparision operators are almost certainly accomplished via multimethods, $a and $b being the two invocants.

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