>This isn't quite meaningful. What does a "non-letter atom" mean?
>If you're processing a file or a string, that's the basic P6 model.
>But consider \u for unicode -- that's a multi-byte object in the
>stream.  So for streams of bytes, the right way is just to code C<rule
>color> such that it recognizes them in whatever form -- stringified or
>On the other hand, let's suppose that you've got a vast array of
>floating point data:
>my float @seti = {...evidence of intelligence, somewhere...};
>It's a fair question to ask how to retarget the rexengine to use @seti
>as the input stream.

I'm asking!  Array of float, int, Colorific, sound_frame, mixed bag
of objects- those are examples of "non-letter atoms" (what's it mean?
Exactly what I mean to.  Lewis Carol makes it so easy...)

Let's go back to A5. It defines modifiers for different levels of 
unicode- :u0, :u1, :u2, :u3 - which change what are considered the
atoms to grab and match.  Hence my suggestion for a ":ref" modifier
to tell the engine to grab references.  ":scalar" could be used to
grab floats in the seti example.

>But what does that mean? Do you want "standard patterns" so that you
>can talk about <int> patterns and just have them work, or do you want
>to change your "source" from a character stream/string to something

Something else.  In all my examples, I've been binding to a sub, so
that the input stream can be something other than character stream/



The Moon is Waxing Crescent (2% of Full)

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