> What I think you're looking for is the fact that they're not regexes any more. They 
> are > "rexen", but in horrifying-secret-reality, what has happened is that Larry's 
> decided
> to move Fortran out of core, and replace it with yacc.

just an aside, and a bit off-topic, but has anybody considered hijacking the regular 
expression engine in perl6 and turning it into its opposite, namely making 
of strings/sounds/whatever that could possibly match the regular expression? ie:





I could think of lots of uses for this:

        1) test data for databases and programs.
        2) input for genetic algorithms/code generators
        3) semantic rules/production of random sentences.

In fact, I foresee a combo of 2,3 and some expert system somewhere producing the first 
sentient perl program. ;-)


ps: As for the 'rexen' concept of matching stuff other than characters, hell, that's a 
*wonderful* idea. And if you turned the regex around so that you could (in a 
way) make productions from it for stuff other than characters, you could make random 
http requests, music, GUI requests/interactions database connections and so forth. 

Its a code testers' dream...

Now, just got to think of the syntax for it.. how to make it usable.

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