--- Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For anything other than existential issues, I believe that
> most arguments about the future containing the words "either",
> "or", "both", or "neither" are likely to be wrong. In
> particular, human psychology is rarely about the extremes
> of binary logic. As creatures we are more interested in
> balance than in certainty, all the while proclaiming our
> certainty that we've achieved the correct balance. 
> In short, I think both the pthreads and ithreads models are wrong
> to some extent.
> Larry

<soapbox sincerity=high relevance=low>
And this is why I believe it's best to have a philosopher guiding the
design, as long as he's been properly indoctrinated into the issues
surrounding the relevant mechanics. ;o]

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