Yary Hluchan wrote:

making *productions* of strings/sounds/whatever that could possibly
match the regular expression?

Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't this the :any switch of apoc 5?

Not really, unless the input string is infinite!

Well, thats just in the general purpose case, right?  That's because
a regex like /a*/ matches:

'i bet you didn't wnt this to mtch'

So, you're going to need some sort of controlled input to a regex match
with the :any for it to work right.

Here's my approach to the problem: generate a possible string that
could match every atom in the regex individually, and then generate
matches for the whole regex off of that.  I liked Luke's approach
of stapling methods onto the Rx classes, so I used an approach that
made use of that idea.  I completed each of the needed rules, since
the methods in my example are pretty simple (they probably would be
in Luke's example too, but I just wanted to be sure I wasn't missing

use List::Permutations <<permutations>>; # Perl 5's name.

sub generate (rx $spec, Int $limit) {
my $string = $spec.generate_match (&propagate, $limit);
$string =~ m:any/ (<$spec>) { yield $1 } /;
my sub propagate ($atom) {
given ($atom) {
when Perl::sv_literal {
$string ~= $_.literal()
when Perl::Rx {
$string ~= .generate_match (&propagate, $limit)
if .isa(generate_match)

Perl::Rx::Atom::generate_match (&p, $limit) { return &p.($.atom) } Perl::Rx::Zerowidth::generate_match (&p, $limit) { return &p.($.atom) } Perl::Rx::Meta::generate_match (&p, $limit) { return join '', $.possible } Perl::Rx::Oneof::generate_match (&p, $limit) { return join '', $.possible } Perl::Rx::Charclass::generate_match (&p, $limit) { return join '', $.possible }

   Perl::Rx::Sequence::generate_match (&p, $limit) {
       my $string;
       $string ~= &p.($_) for $.atoms;
       return $string;

   Perl::Rx::Alternation::generate_match (&p, $limit) {
       my $string;
       $string ~= &p.($_) for $.branches;
       return $string;

   Perl::Rx::Modifier::generate_match (&p, $limit) {
       my $string;
       $string ~= &p.($_) for $.atoms;
       # is $self ($.) still the topic here?  or is the last
       # member of $.atoms?
       return $self.mod.transform($string);

   Perl::Rx::Modifier::repeat (&p, $limit) {
       $string := join '', map { join '', $_ }
           permutations (split //, &p.($.atom)) xx ($.max // $limit);
       return $string;

So, given a call like:

generate (/(A*B*(C*|Z+))/, 4);
The C<$string> variable in the 2nd line of C<generate> would become:


And the :any switch takes care of the rest. (-:


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