The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20031114
    Evening all. Are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin.

    Undoubtedly, over the last week, some or all of the following happened:

    *   Dan Sugalski thought about design, and maybe even nailed a few more
        things down.

    *   Leo Tötsch wrote far more code than you'd think possible.

    *   Luke Palmer either answered or asked a tough question or two on

    *   A series of unfortunate events, involving a laptop failing twice in
        short order and an external firewire drive that decided that 'Write
        once, read once' was a sensible operating mode, and a general lack
        of an adequate backup regime, mean that I have lost my mail archive,
        my summary archive, the tools I use to publish them and, most
        devastatingly, a week's worth of new mail that I'd not got 'round to
        reading or replying to yet. Which means I'm not really in a position
        to write the usual summary this week. I *could* head off to Google,
        wrestle with an interface that really isn't suited to reading mail
        and knock something together that wasn't too awful, but I'm going to
        punt instead. Hopefully I'll have things vaguely sane next week and
        I'll see about doing a double summary.

Acknowledgements, Apologies, Announcements
    I'm sorry I was stupid enough to think "I'll muddle through without a
    backup system, there's nothing of real value on the laptop...".

    If you've enjoyed this summary then I'm amazed, but thank you anyway.
    You might like to show your appreciation by thinking about contributing
    money or time to the Perl foundation and the Perl 6 effort, or you could
    contribute feedback to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or stop by at my
    website, which has a small amount of new content on it at last.

    <> -- The Perl Foundation

    <> -- Perl 6 Development site

    <> -- My website, "Just a Summary"

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