On Sat, Dec 13, 2003 at 01:42:58PM +0000, Andy Wardley wrote:
: How about a single colon?
:      Color:green 

Vaguely possible, but the lexer would have to distinguish

    Color: green
    Color :green

It may yet do that, but probably not for this reason.

: This is the same syntax employed in XML namespaces and URIs, for example:
:     <xml xmlns:color="http://example.com/xml/color.xsd";>
:       <color:green/>
:     </xml>
: Don't tell me, we can't use : because we're using that for something
: else.  :-)

Depends on how we treat whitespace, and whether : becomes part of
the name.

: Presumably, the parser could be smart enough to entuit the 
: role on either side of a comparison if the other is specified.
:    $foo:Color ~~ Color:green
:    $foo ~~ Color:green          # assumes $foo:Color
:    $foo:Color ~~ green          # assumes Color:green

I want more than that.  I want

    $foo ~~ green

to work, provided there's only one definition of "green" in scope.
That's why I'd like enums to have a mandatory type, so that they
can in fact act like subtypes.

: > I'm thinking the ordinary method
: > 
: >     $foo.Color
: > 
: > implies
: > 
: >     $foo.as(Color)
: What if your $foo object has a regular method called Color?  Would it 
: get called in preference?

Following the Traits paper's rule, if the class itself defines a
method Color, that takes precedence over any Color methods from roles.
But if the class merely inherits a Color method, the role would
override the inherited method.  That being said, I don't think the
situation would arise often in practice if people follow the custom
of naming normal methods in lowercase and classes/roles in uppercase.

Or we could go the other way, and say that, presuming it's known that Color
is a class/role name at compile time, .Color is forced to mean .as(Color)
instantly.  It could be argued that this doesn't work so well with run-time
properties.  But you can't name a property unless a declaration is in
scope to begin with.

Of course, we could also just completely ignore the fact that Color is
a class name if there's a dot in front of it, and force everyone to
say as(Color) if that's what they mean.  That makes the indirect object
syntax a little less useful.  Instead of

    $bar = Color $foo:

you'd have to say the completely non-English-like

    $bar = as $foo: Color

which is perhaps not a great loss if it encourages people to say

    $bar = $foo.as(Color)


Hmm.  Now I'm thinking about the problem of expanding references in
list context, since by default a reference doesn't.  If you say

    print $ref

it doesn't do what you want, but

    print $ref.as(Array)

might work a lot better, though of course

    print @$ref

does the same thing.  But suppose instead of $ref we have a big long
expression returning an array reference.  Then the .as() form becomes
much more readable.  So it might well be that all the prefix context
operators have .as() counterparts:

    ~($x)       $x.as(Str)
    ?($x)       $x.as(Bit)
    +($x)       $x.as(Num)
    int($x)     $x.as(Int)
    $($x)       $x.as(Scalar)
    @($x)       $x.as(Array)
    %($x)       $x.as(Hash)

Though .as() would probably have to be somewhat magical to get the
compiler's context analyzer to realize the context of $x in the way
that the prefix operators do.  (And of course it would have to punt
on that analysis if you say $x.as($y) or some such.)


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