--- Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 13, 2003 at 07:16:21AM -0800, Paul Hodges wrote:
> :   $Spot = $visitor.nephew ?? $nicedog :: $meandog;
> : 
> : Which brings up a small side note: that's a successfully applied
> : boolean context for $visitor.nephew, right?
> Yes, but $visitor.nephew is no longer .does(nephew) in my current
> view. You have to say
>     $Spot = $visitor ~~ nephew ?? $nicedog :: $meandog;
> if nephew is to do any kind of implicit subtype matching.  You can
> also be explicit with .does(), of course.

I knew that, lol -- but again, that's why I lurk here. I'm trying keep
my habits chasing the curve of whatever's being worked out.

> : So what exactly does it mean to have a "typed reference"? $meandog
> : still a Dog, just using an AttackDog role, right? So it's type is
> : Dog&AttackDog? Inheritance thinking starts crowding in here and
> : blurring my understanding of what's going on.
> There are going to be some limits on what you can do.  We don't have
> enough parallel universes to allow all uses of all junction types--in
> the absence of quantum computing the combinatorics are not in our
> favor...

Amen, brutha. Accordingly, do we have an idea what it actually means to
add a type to something? I mean, I get that we could say

  print "yup" if $Spot ~~ AttackDog;

but is there still

  print ref $Spot;

and if so what does it print???

> : Obviously I'm not awake yet, but maybe these rambles will be useful
> : to somebody?
> As a example of the problem with defaults, if nothing else.  :-)

lol -- hey, if I can be a bad example, at least my life has *some*
purpose. :)

> : My workplace considers refactoring to be reinventing the wheel.
> : Just add another motor and axle over here!! sheesh, lol....
> With multis you can be refactoring while you're also adding motors
> and axles.   :-)

oooOOOOOoooooohhhhhh...... Hey! I *LOVE* that! >:op

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