Dave Whipp wondered:

@sorted = sort {-M} @unsorted;

One thing I've been trying to figure out reading this: what is the signature of prefix:-M ? i.e. how does it tell the outer block that it (the outer-block) needs a parameter?

It doesn't. As A6 explained:


any block that doesn't have placeholder-specified parameters but which refers (even implicitly) to $_ will automatically have the signature of ($_).

That's why:

@odd = grep { $_ % 2 } @nums;

will still work in Perl 6.

Since a bare C<-M> implicitly refers to $_, the surrounding block automagically gets a one-parameter signature and hence is (correctly!) interpreted as a key extractor.

Don't you just love it when a plan^H^H^H^Hdesign comes together? ;-)

There seems to be some transitive magic going on here.

There is. Kinda. Just not the type of magic you thought.

Could similar magic be used to have infix:<=> require two
higher-order variables (e.g. could "sort { <=> } @unsorted" be made to

No. But this will work:

sort &infix:<=> @unsorted


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