David Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Mar 20, 2004, at 1:32 PM, Calle Dybedahl wrote:
>> You don't need Unicode display « and », just plain old ISO 8859-1.
> True, but I'd like to get Unicode working for other projects, as well.
>> They're characters number 171 and 187 there. And AFAIK every Emacs
>> version released in the past ten years handles ISO-8859-1 out of the
>> box. It's more likely that you're using a font that doesn't have the
>> characters.
> No, the font works perfectly in TextEdit. There's some configuration
> change I need to make to Emacs to get it to work.

Try this:

 ((eq window-system 'mac)
  (when (string= default-directory "/")
    (setq default-directory "~/"))
  (setq mac-command-key-is-meta t
        mac-reverse-ctrl-meta nil
        process-connection-type nil
        mac-keyboard-text-encoding kTextEncodingISOLatin1)
  (modify-frame-parameters (selected-frame)
                           '((font . "fontset-courier14")))))

(pushnew (lambda (frame)
           (modify-frame-parameters frame
                                    '((font . "fontset-courier14"))))

Fontsets are weird.

Beware the Perl 6 early morning joggers -- Allison Randal

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