On Wed, May 12, 2004 at 12:57:15AM -0400, Andrew Rodland wrote:
> On Tuesday 11 May 2004 10:13 pm, Larry Wall wrote:
> > On Tue, May 11, 2004 at 08:31:55PM -0400, Andrew Rodland wrote:
> > : On Tuesday 11 May 2004 08:00 pm, Pedro Larroy wrote:
> > : > Hi
> > : >
> > : > Is there any chance that in perl6 there will be the possibility to
> > : > write if/else statements without {}s with the condition at the
> > : > beginning?
> > : Yes, I know that I'm diverting rather than strictly answering. My
> > : personal opinion is that I can live with it, because I've shot myself in
> > : that particular foot before, and that there are good reasons. My other
> > : opinion is that I wouldn't mind if a particular rule in the grammar could
> > : be enabled / disabled with "use strict 'braces'" either, as it is
> > : somewhat unperlish to prevent footshooting for that sake alone.
> >
> > That's gonna be pretty unlikely.  We've basically decided that, in
> > terms of readability, it makes a whole lot more sense to get rid of
> > the parens than the curlies, and you can't make both the parens and
> > the curlies optional.
> >
> Aha. I knew that there was one important point that I was missing out on, and 
> that's the one. And that one does count as a "technical" reason for p6, if 
> not p5. Hope I've clarified, Pedro.
> --Andrew

Yes, thanks a lot for your answers. I appreciate them.

I think I'm now pretty attached to perl culture and I'm just a little worried,
as a humble perl programmer, about "things changing too much" in perl6.
Specially after reading coments like getting rid of the parens and go for
a "python syntax". 

Since I'm started to read perl RFC's and apocalypses now, I don't know very
well if those design decissions are already closed now.

Is there any document (asides from the ones I mentioned) that would give
"the big picture" to the average perl programmer about what perl6 will be?

Kind regards.
Pedro Larroy Tovar | Linux & Network consultant |  piotr%member.fsf.org 

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