Pedro Larroy writes:
> Yes, thanks a lot for your answers. I appreciate them.
> I think I'm now pretty attached to perl culture and I'm just a little
> worried, as a humble perl programmer, about "things changing too much"
> in perl6.  Specially after reading coments like getting rid of the
> parens and go for a "python syntax". 

You musn't be afraid.  Perl 6 is different from Perl 5 in many ways, but
rest assured it is still Perl.  The philosophy is still there; the
natural feel is still there; the incomprehensible flexibility is still
there; the sigils, paren-less functions, semicolon separators,
golfability -- all the things you love -- not going anywhere.  

A good portion of the documentation effort has been dedicated to
explaining to the community that Perl 6 isn't new and scary, but new and
familiar.  You'll find this in the earlier Exegeses, Piers Cawley's
article "Perl 6: Not Just for Damians"
(, some of the
presentations from the last few conference seasons, and scattered about
the community.

> Since I'm started to read perl RFC's and apocalypses now, I don't know very
> well if those design decissions are already closed now.

There's really only one design decision that is "closed", and that's
that we're going to use Parrot.  Though you might consider things that
you'll never convince Larry to do in a million years "closed". 

But really, if there's something that you've read and you don't like
about the language, and you have a good reason, bring it up here and
we'll talk about it.  Who knows, you might even make a difference. :-)

> Is there any document (asides from the ones I mentioned) that would give
> "the big picture" to the average perl programmer about what perl6 will be?

Those documents at are the best we've got.  The
Exegeses and Synopses will give you a better idea than the Apocalypses
will, but they are all talking about the things that are changin',
rather than the things that are, if I may quote Nancy Sinatra, samin'.


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