The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 2004-07-10
    Another week down, another summer summary. On a Monday no less. Last
    week I even managed to get the summary to the mailing lists before the
    Perl 5 Porters summary. I may have been even more surprised that Rafael
    by that. Let's see if I can do it again.

    We'll kick off with perl6-internals as usual (though it was actually the
    quieter list this week).

  The Pie-thon charge
    A good deal of this week's work was Pie-thon related, what with the
    looming deadline and all. The effort hasn't been exactly helped by Dan's
    problems with unreliable laptops. However, it's apparent that the effort
    is helping to flush all sorts of issues out. -- Dan thinks about generic new PMCs -- Dan on parrot/python opcodes -- Getting Python::Bytecode to work -- Leo's summary of Pie-thon activities -- a new Python::Bytecode

  Changing the Perl 6 Guard
    The Perl Foundation is looking for a good person to take on the
    responsibility of getting the Perl 6 compiler working. Parrot's reached
    the point where it can probably support all of Perl 6 (or can be made to
    support it), and the Perl 6 design is (while not complete) good enough
    to start implementing. The catch is Dan's not got the time to work on
    Parrot and implementing Perl 6 as well. So, we need a volunteer.

    Read Dan's job spec and if you think you've got the skills (especially
    the people skills) then Allison Randal and the rest of the Perl 6 Cabal
    will be very happy to hear from you. Austin Hastings attempted to
    volunteer Luke Palmer, but Luke's keeping schtum. Personally I think
    he'd be a cracking candidate for the post, but he's the only person who
    can decide to volunteer. -- The job ad

  Parrot m4
    Bernhard Schmalhofer posted a patch to get the parrot implementation of
    m4 working again.

  native_pbc fixes
    Jarkko Hietaniemi posted a bunch of changes to get the native_pbc tests
    working on 64 bit platforms. Thanks Jarkko, it's good to see another
    Perl 5 Porter working on Parrot.

Meanwhile, in perl6-language
  Just like the old days
    Matija Papec wondered if it would be possible to continue to use simple
    unquoted hash keys (a la $hash{MYKEY}) instead of the new "%hash«MYKEY»"
    syntax. "Of course!" replied Luke Palmer, posting a macro to fix things
    up. The thread moved on to discussing the sorts of macros/operators that
    it'd be possible to implement. It got scary when Luke and Larry talked
    about writing a macro to declare new grammatical categories that could
    be used to declare subsequent macros/operators.

  Predeclaration of subs
    Noting that it was now possible to write

        $obj.meth "foo" 

    where, in Perl 5, one would have to write "$obj->meth("foo")", Luke
    Palmer wondered whether there would still be a requirement to predeclare
    "foo" in order to be able to say

        foo "bar", "baz";

    He went on to wonder how the new rules affected

        method evil($x is rw)

    Larry gave one of his thinking aloud answers. Essentially, there's
    context trickiness to be worked out, but he thinks that requiring method
    calls to evaluate their arguments in a list context and requiring
    predeclaration of functions that force scalar contexts on their
    arguments should be good enough to avoid ambiguity.

  Graphemes and codepoints and bytes, oh my!
    The discussion of Perl 6's Unicode handling continued for another week.

  Scalar subscripting
    Guatam Gopalakrishnan wondered about the meaning of $a[0] now that array
    subscripting was done using @a[0]. He proposed that it could be used for
    'peeking into scalars', particularly strings.

    Luke Palmer pointed out that $a[0] actually expands to "$a.[0]" which,
    when $a is an array, is an array subscript as per usual. He pointed out
    that this had also come up in the ongoing "Graphemes and codepoints and
    bytes" thread, where such things as "$str.bytes[0]" had been discussed.

  C style commas
    Michele Dondi is another person who doesn't like the thought of losing
    the ability to say

       print, next if /stgh/;

    or something very like it, so he induced deja vu in your Summarizer by
    suggesting something involving "then". Larry pointed out that Perl 6's
    comma would still work perfectly well in this case.

    The thread expanded into a discussion of various issues to do with
    statement modifiers, in particular "do {...} while ...", which continues
    to be illegal in core Perl 6.

Announcements, Apologies, Acknowledgements
    Quote of the week comes from Larry Wall: "I'm also trying to learn perl6
    after using perl5 for some time." I think it probably applies to all of

    If you find these summaries useful or enjoyable, please consider
    contributing to the Perl Foundation to help support the development of
    Perl. You might also like to send me feedback at
    mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

    You could also wish me luck on Tuesday 12th of July when I'll be
    interviewing for a place to train as a maths teacher. (You only have to
    read these summaries to realise why I'm not after training as an English
    teacher). -- The Perl Foundation -- Perl 6 Development site

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