On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 08:35:10PM -0600, Luke Palmer wrote:
: This doesn't quite feel right to me.  I was really a big fan of the good
: ol' Perl 6 days where you could interpolate as in Perl 5, and method
: calls required parentheses.  I understand why Larry wanted to take out
: the parentheses, though... or rather why I'd want to take out the
: parentheses if I were him.  It's so that people would stop thinking of
:     $foo.bar
: as a method call, and more as an attribute.  Or just more abstractly --
: less procedurally -- in general.  This I'm all for.
: But then making them interpolate without parens get's a little to
: "loose" for my tastes.  Perl's then come to the point of doing too much
: for me, and I want it to just sit down and shut up.

By analogy, we could add a row:

    No          Yes
    --          ---
    @foo        @foo[1]
    %bar        %bar{"a"}
    $foo.bar    $foo.bar()

The basic rule of thumb seems to be shaping up that anything more
complicated than a simple scalar variable must always end with something
bracketed.  (And in the case of closure {...}, that's the whole thing.)

Hmm.  That makes me wonder what the slice notation for "everything" is.


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