Two points, if I may jump in here:

(1) If the interpolation rule is to be simple as suggested, why not impose this rule:

"A character (except for a backslash) is interpreted literally if it is not preceeded by a backslash."

For example,

  "The value is \$" --> "The value is 3."
  "The value is $"  --> 'The value is $'

  "The value is \{1+2}." --> "The value is 3."
  "The value is {1+2}."  --> "The value is {1+2}."


  "$19.95"          --> '19.95'
  "\$x"             --> '3'

  "%08x"            --> '%08x'
  "\%y"             --> '1 2 3 4' (or something)

(2) It seems that qq// and {} are on "equal footing" and should be treated orthogonally. So, you could nest {} into qq// as such:

  qq( The value is {1+1}. )

or vice-versa:

  { $x = qq(The value is) . (1+1) }

or nest each into itself, such as quotes inside quotes, such as (something like) this:

    div \{ color : { $yes ? 'blue' : 'white' } \}
    q[ Just $19.95! ]

so as not to require another level of {}:

  qq( ... { q[ Just $19.95! ] })

Further, {} should be able to use any bracket type, just as qq// can take the forms qq(), qq{}, qq<>, etc. Something like this:

    div { color : e[ $yes ? 'blue' : 'white' ] }
    e< '{' x 4 >
    q[ Just $19.95! ]
    e< '}' x 4 >

Under my first proposal, this is rewritten unambiguously as

    div { color : \e[ $yes ? 'blue' : 'white' ] }
    \e< '{' x 4 >
    Just $19.95!
    \e< '}' x 4 >


Larry Wall wrote:
On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 09:20:56PM -0400, Damian Conway wrote:
: So what about:
: : $foo[$i]
: $foo{$k}
: : ???

Those would work.

: And would slices interpolate?

Yes.  Slices are entirely determined by what's in the subscript.

: I can't say I'm keen on making {...} special in strings.

It had to grow on me a while too.

: I felt that the $(...) and @(...) were a much cleaner and more
: general solution.

Yeah, I felt that way too.  But then I start looking at teaching people
the subtle difference between

    ${} $()
    @{} @()
    %{} %() ?
    &{} &() ???

and realize that this is the only holdover from Perl 5 where we use
the sigil to indicate the internal context rather than the type of
the object expected.  It's a danger sign that we have to keep repeating
ourselves (or not, as the case may be):


Plus it ignores the fact that we've already introduced single character
scalar context operators that make it trivial to coerce from list
context to scalar.  If {...} supplies list context by default, most
intepolations are either the same length or shorter:

    $($foo)     {$foo}
    @(@foo)     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    $(@foo)     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It also encourages people be more specific about *which* scalar
context they're looking for.  It fits in with the general trend in Perl 6
that the "default" context is list context if you don't know better.

Plus, as I mentioned, it cleans up the "$file.ext" mess, the
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" mess, and the "%08x" mess.  That's three FAQs that
don't have to exist.

: The prospect of backslashing every opening brace in every interpolated string : is not one I relish.

I'm just looking for what will be least confusing to the most
people here.  We can certainly have other possible behaviors, but
something simple needs to be the default, and $() doesn't feel right
to me anymore.


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