Michele Dondi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Well, it seems that there's still a big confusion/indecision about
> the default behaviour. But then an interesting point, and one that
> has already been raised, is that it should be somehow possible to
> customize string interpolation bu means of e.g. adverbs (fortunately
> we don't have "true" literal strings but rather quote-like
> operators), attributes and god know what else!

I rather like the notion of putting the adverb on the q operator and
its kin (qq, qx, ...)

print q :literal "The value of $foo is " . $foo . "\n";

:literal might be poorly huffman coded, and q (as opposed to qq or
whatever) might already default to not interpolating scalars, but the
above demonstrates the syntax.  One nice thing about this is it still
allows for arbitrary characters to be used to delimit the quote:

print qq :scalarcontext (There are @foo elements in [EMAIL PROTECTED]);

Again, :scalarcontext isn't the point, just an illustration of the syntax.

This syntax also would give us symetry with the match operators...

$foo =  qr :baz  !blah$!;
$bar =~ m  :quux $foo;      # I forget:  is =~ still spelled as in Perl5?

Here also, with qr you could use whatever adverbs you use with any of
its brethren quoting operators, to interpolate or not interpolate
various stuff, and then you could still use whatever pattern-match
adverbs you like with the match operator.

> Now it should be stressed that the problem is twofold here: one
> aspect is chosing the "best" default for some hopefully reasonable
> meaning of "best"

Sure, but allowing the default to be overridden with adverbs doesn't
hinder the ability to choose a nice default.

> and the other one is providing a "slim" syntax for the alternate
> behaviour(s); i.e. IMHO it would be unreasonable to require the
> users to type something like
>   :with_method_interpolation

One would hope an adverb that useful would be shorter, sure.  Maybe
something along these lines, if we can conscion it...

$foo = qq :i($) "Woo $hoo";
$bar = qq :i<<@ .>> ($boo.hoo @wibble);

Here i stands for interplate, $ for scalars, @ for arrays, . for
methods.  If this is deemed too cryptic, perhaps something in between
this and the excessive verbosity of :with_method_interplation is in

It's slightly bothersome that :i would mean "interplate" for quoting
but "case-insensitive" for matching, but since case-insensitivity
doesn't seem sensible for quoting that might not matter.  I thought
about :int for interpolation, but too many people would think integer,
probably, and :itpl is just too C-like in its unpronounceability and
complete lack of obvious meaning.  ("What's an i-tuple?")  :terp or
:iterp would make people think "interpreter" rather than
"interpolate", I fear, and when we move up to :terpolate we're getting
long.  The only synonym I can think of for interpolate is evaluate,
and I'm not certain :eval would mean the right thing to everyone.

> each time they want it. But maybe certain delimiters for qq may
> already provide that... (or would that be a bad idea?)

I don't think which _delimiters_ you choose should have any impact on
how the interpolation is done (except as regards the delimiters
themselves; if you choose $ as your delimiter, you're going to have a
hard time interplating scalars, obviously).

IMO, the difference between q and qq should have to do with which
adverbs are turned on by default.

> As a related side note, is it possible to use multi-char delimiters in 
> Perl6? I mean, a la:
>   qq<<...>>;

I would worry that you'd be getting "<" and ">" at the beginning and
end of your string.  IMO, there are enough characters in ASCII that
for any short quotation you ought to be able to find one character you
can use as a quote delimiter.  For longer quotations, we have

Speaking of which, that raises another question:  can we apply adverbs
to heredocs?

if (somecondition()) {
  $foo = << :indent(5) "FOO";
     blah, blah
     blah, blah
     blah, blah

Parsing concerns might constrain that to this:

if (somecondition()) {
  $foo = << :indent(5) "FOO";
     blah, blah
     blah, blah
     blah, blah

Which is still better than the bletcherous Perl5 way:
if (somecondition()) {
  $foo = <<"FOO";
blah, blah
blah, blah
blah, blah

I've found myself wrapping long quotations in their own subroutines
(that just contain a heredoc and return a string) at the bottom of the
file in Perl5 just to keep my indentation sane.  There ought to be
some way around this problem for POD, too.  Perhaps POD could have its
own quote operator...

sub foo {
     qp :indent(5) <<FOOPOD;
     Put some POD here.
split//,"[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ --";$\=$ ;-> ();print$/

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