On Sat, Jul 24, 2004 at 02:50:18PM -0700, David Storrs wrote:

> Definitely.  On the other hand...I find myself wondering if we could
> offer a pragma so that people can have the option if they want it.
> For example:
> #!/usr/bin/perl6


> #use warnings;  # Note that I am NOT explicitly using these
> #use strict;
> {   no 'warnings'; no 'strict';   # These must be explicitly turned off...
>     no installation_security;     # or this would throw warning & error

      use Acme::Intraweb;

>     use SomeModule;     #
>     use OtherModule;    # 
>     use Foo;            # If these are not installed,
>     use Bar;            # they will be auto-installed.
>     use Baz;            #
>     use Jaz;            #
> }

However, Acme::Intraweb hasn't been updated for a while, whereas CPANPLUS
has, so I'm not sure if it still works. Both are by Jos Boumans.

Nicholas Clark

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