Aaron Sherman wrote:
I was thinking about the case where you use a module, only to define a
class that you then instantiate like this:

        use Some::Module::That::Defines::A::Class;
        our Some::Module::That::Defines::A::Class $foo := new;

and I keep thinking that that's too redundant. It's not so much that I
want to syntax-golf it down, but there's just no reason to throw that
type around twice, when what you really WANT to say is "that module over
there is a class, instantiate me one."

So, I was wondering about a synonym, like:

uses Some::Module::That::Defines::A::Class $foo;

syntax will be awful and there are a lot of guesses, but:

macro uses($class, $var) is parsed(/(<classname>) (<scalar>)/) {
  use $class;
  our $class $var;

I suspect. It's probably not quite that simple, but I figured it was worth a shot. Hopefully the compiler would run through the result of the macro, parse it and compile it as normal so the C<use> would actually work.

Okay okay, I just got a copy of Perl 6 and Parrot Essentials and I'm trying to learn stuff. I'm even ripping apart the compiler I wrote for my BSc final-year project so it generates working PIR instead of broken C.

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