On Thu, Sep 16, 2004 at 10:02:18AM -0600, Luke Palmer wrote:
: The new alternative is MY.sub.  I suppose that could return the current
: actual sub, so if you're using a pointy sub you have to say MY.block or
: something.  But it's one of those two.

Or something resembling them.  I'm still pining for sigils on MY values.
Plus the method notation is problematic: people will wonder why

    sub ($x) {
        MY.sub($x - 1);

doesn't work, not realizing that they'd have to say

        MY.sub()($x - 1);

So we're probably going to end up with another secondary sigil, since
it's a weird magical metanamespace.  I was going to combine with the
$=DATA magical pod stream namespace, but there's a subtle difference
between a file-scoped metavariable that is the same everywhere in
the file and a lexically scoped metavariable that varies everywhere
in the file.  So we probably need a different "ssigil".  Here are the
candidates, leaving out brackets and already-used ssigils.  (And Unicode).


I like $-, $+, and $? the best.  Probably should save $- and $+ for something
complimentary, which leaves $?.  It's visually distinctive, and recently
came available.  :-)

So maybe $?sub is the name of the current sub, while &?sub is a reference
to the current sub.  Maybe $?block is the label on the current block, while
&?block is a ref to the closure?


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