On Fri, Sep 17, 2004 at 11:59:09AM +0200, Thomas Seiler wrote:
: $?parrot         Which version of parrot is perl running on

$?parrotversion would be which version of parrot we were compiled on.
$*parrotversion would be which version of parrot we are running on.

: $?parrot_runloop Which runloop is running ?

Dynamically scoped, so $*parrot_runloop.

: $?pid         Which process ID
: $?pwd         Which working directoy
: $?uid           Which user ID

All unknown to the compiler, so all * variables.

: Will modules be able to add own / override existig "which"-variables ?

At compile time, yes.

: example: a module that provides threads, can it somehow add a
: $?thread        Which tread am I in

That would be $*thread.  Current thread is unknown at compile time.

: And is it possible to use these in macros aswell?

Sure.  That's part of the motivation.


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