On Tue, Nov 30, 2004 at 06:27:55PM -0500, Matt Fowles wrote:
: Even if he wasn't cackling, I admit to feeling it.  I don't even use
: the qx/qq/qw stuff in perl5.  I always got by with "".
: Although I must admit to liking python's C< r"..." > meaning
: absolutely raw string (useful for avoiding double escape problems with
: their regular expressions).  Left me thinking it was short for regex
: and not raw for a little while...

Actually, I was thinking about a raw option, so q:r could be it.  And it
might actually turn out to be useful for quoting rules if for some reason
you really don't want to write an rx//.  And oddly, it might end up
with a qr// shorthand.  So we might end up with qr:here'END' for the
Perl 6 equivalent to <<'END'.


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