On Tue, Feb 15, 2005 at 07:20:53PM -0600, Jonathan Scott Duff wrote:
: For the case where a junction is stringified, I would imagine that the
: Junction's C<str> or C<repr> (ala python) method gets called and it does
: something appropriate.

The C<repr> method is called C<.perl> in Perl, assuming you want a
Perl representation.  If you want Python's .repr you could perhaps
call .python instead.  Likewise you could spit out a .lisp, .xml, or
.fortran representation if those methods are available.  Personally I'm
looking forward to seeing what the .mathematica method spits out for
a junction, but maybe I'll have to settle for a .apl method instead.

I admit that calling the .brainf*ck method is problematic several ways...


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