On Sun, Mar 13, 2005 at 12:58:50AM +0100, Juerd wrote:
: I'm really getting the feeling I'm the only one who uses sprintf because
: it *separates* and lets you write complex things on one simple line.
: That, and I use it a lot in one liners.

Then you should feel much better after you read my message where I use
"as" as a list operator.

: I know there are alternatives, and they're good. I can certainly see how
: .as can come in handy. But sprintf (or call it "format", which I do like
: better than the unpronounceable "sprintf") as a semi-list operator is
: very useful too. I just don't like the amount of typing (with the nested
: delimiters: parens and quotes) it requires.

A list operator doesn't require parens unless you start chunking up
your outputs into sublists, but if you do that then you're falling
into the same trap of scattering complexity around that you complained
about for .as().


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