The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 2005-04-26
    It's my turn again. What fun.

    "What," I hear you all ask, "has been going on in the crazy mixed up
    world of Perl 6 design and development"? Read this summary and,
    beginning with perl6-compiler, I shall tell you.

This week in perl6-compiler
    Stevan Little had an idea while he was refactoring He wondered
    whether to get rid of the various "todo_*" functions in favour of just
    using a t/force_todo file. Which led him to wonder about doing away with
    t/force_todo in favour of a "force_todo()" function. He asked for
    opinions before he started making the change (which isn't exactly a

    General opinion seemed favourable, though I confess I am perturbed by
    the proposed release trick of proclaiming all failures, whether expected
    or not, to be TODOs. The current system generates an explicit list of
    tests that are failing on 'core' systems. The proposed solution would
    seem to make all failures equal, so even unexpected 'platform' failures
    wouldn't be caught.


  Weird thing with say ++$
    What do you know, "say $i++, ++$i" behaves weirdly.


  Pugs 6.2.1 released
    Autrijus announced the availability of Pugs 6.2.1 which comes complete
    with much shininess.


This week in perl6-language
  Parrot Common Lisp
    Cory Spencer's port of Common Lisp to Parrot was much admired (it's got
    some way to go before it's *really* Common Lisp, but it's a cracking
    start). Uwe Volker suggested porting emacs to it and was promptly
    accused of being Erik Naggum by Lars Balker Rasmussen.

    Cory acquired (or is acquiring) a committer bit.


  State of the Tcl
    Will Coleda gave the list a heads up on the state of ParTCL, the Parrot
    TCL port. It's still failing some tests, apparently because of GC

    A few days later, these problems went away (we're not quite sure how



  "alarm()" and "later()"
    Leo stated that Parrot provides subsecond timer resolution as well as
    alarm callbacks and multiple timers. Hurrah!


  RFC "assign Px, Py"
    Leo posted a discussion of the semantics of "assign" and "set", with a
    proposed change to PIR syntax. Warnock applies.


  RFC unary operations
    In another RFC, Leo discussed changes to Parrot's unary operators and
    proposed other changes.


  One more MMD -- assignment
    Dan noted that he was writing a great deal of code in his "set_pmc"
    vtable methods that looked very MMD-like. He suggested that adding
    assignment to the list of MMD functions might be a good idea. Leo
    pointed him at his assignment RFC.


  Fun with "morph()"
    Nicholas Clark wondered about the responsibilities of the "morph" method
    with respect to handling "PMC_struct_val". In the subsequent discussion
    it became apparent that "morph" can get complicated. Bob Rogers supplied
    a bunch of extra complications and wondered about the feasibility of
    making Parrot morph-free. Leo agreed that it seemed feasible and is
    probably a good idea. Another subthread made my head hurt -- I can
    understand this stuff much better when I'm sat 'round a table with
    people and we're kept supplied with drinks, notepaper and, in Leo's
    case, industrial quantities of tobacco. (Ah... YAPC::Paris!)


  Building an incomplete code generator into Parrot
    [EMAIL PROTECTED] (that's the only name I have) has started work on
    implementing a JIT backend for the AMD64 processor. He asked a few
    questions and Leo provided answers.


  Calling Convention Abstraction
    This thread continues to rumble on. Leo said that what he wants is for
    the HLL folks to create a workable scheme for abstract and extendable
    calling conventions that could express all the various HLL specific
    semantics of function calling, pointing out that, unless we have this we
    can forget interoperability (or at least, easy interop).


  Alpha development Box
    Bob Rogers 'has' an Alpha development box that can be used for open
    source projects. He wondered if the Parrot project could make use of it,
    and if so what was the best way of doing this. Some discussion occurred
    on the list, but I assume (hope) more happened offline.


Meanwhile, in perl6-language
  Calling junctions of closures
    Brad Bowman wondered about calling junctions of closures. He guessed
    that the rule is "call 'em all and return a similarly structured
    junction." but wasn't sure. Thomas Sandlaß wasn't so sure.

    My head hurts.


  "{ => }" autocomposition
    Autrijus asked about the following fragment:

        %ret = map { $_ => uc $_ }, split '', $text;

    which gives Pugs a massive headache.

    From the ensuing discussion, it appears to cause Larry and Autrijus
    headaches too. Also, it turns out that Larry's Perl 5 to Perl 5
    translator has both madprops and madskills. Hurrah! Darren Duncan
    suggested that

        %ret = map:{ $_ => uc $_ }, split '', $text;

    should serve to say that the block is to be treated as a block rather
    than a hash constructor. He thought that that came from one of the
    synopses, but couldn't remember which.

    I wonder if

        %ret = map -> {$_ => uc $_}, split '', $text; 

    wouldn't do the job. (Or did the syntax change on me when I wasn't


  Embedding languages in Perl 6
    BÁRTHÁZI András had some questions about introducing different parsing
    rules in the middle of a Perl 6 program. Larry's answer was, essentially
    "All's fair if you predeclare", but with an interesting idea about using
    "`" as a way of introducing a 'self-terminating construct', so one could

       use XML;

       $a = `<elems><elem>Content #1</elem><elem>Content #2</elem></elems>;


       use SQL;

       $a = `select * from table`;

    Various possibilities were discussed, but nothing got set in stone.


  Closure/block/sub multiplier
    Matt Creenan wondered about doing "@names = &get_next(...) XX 5;"
    (which, obviously, would call &get_next five times and shove the results
    into @names). Juerd pointed out some subtleties to do with functions
    that return closures. Later in the thread he decided that he controlled
    both the horizontal and the vertical, with particular reference to
    redefining true, false and undef.


  "alarm()" and "later()"
    Remember the discussion of "alarm" and "later" in perl6-internals? It
    moved over to perl6-language. Larry agreed that Perl 6's time interfaces
    would favour floating point time values, but he wasn't quite sure if any
    of them would be called "alarm". Discussion ensued, both on the topic
    and matters of naming style.


  $?OS globals, etc
    Scott McWhirter proposed making the various $?OS etc variables into
    attributes of some GLOBAL class. Larry thought it was a good idea, but
    wasn't sure it was entirely right as proposed; this area is still being


  Parens vs. subroutine parameter
    Autrijus had a question about how function signatures and various forms
    of paren magic interacted. He, Juerd and Larry thrashed things out.


  "-X"s auto-(un)quoting
    Michele Dondi had some questions/suggestions about the various file test
    operators. Larry answered and the thread spun off into a discussion of
    all sorts of aspects of these handy operators. Well, that was before it
    turned into a discussion of the semantic of <.foo>, or was that "^foo",
    or maybe "_foo", or possibly "". At this point, things got a
    little heated. There's no decision as yet (personally I'm a fan of the
    scheme as originally proposed; ".foo" calls the method foo on the
    current topic, whatever that may be. If you need to hang onto old
    topics, give them a name. I appear to be in something of a minority).


  Unify cwd
    It turns out that the 'current working directory' isn't as obvious as it
    sounds. It also turns out that Larry would like to be able to pretend
    that it is until it turns out not to be.


  Blocks, continuations and "eval"
    When last we saw this thread, Larry had said that continuations would be
    available in Perl for people who ask specially, but wouldn't be left
    lying around in the open where 'some poor benighted pilgrim might trip
    over them unaware'. Wolverian asked what the interface would be. Larry
    thought it would probably start "use Continuations;", or possibly "use

    The thread prompted Stéphane Payrard to ask about the possibility of
    some of the more 'out there' functional programming tricks making it
    into Perl 6. Once again, all's fair if you predeclare, but it looks like
    Perl 6 already has core access to some pretty out there stuff.


  Accepted abbreviations
    Juerd wondered if we could compile a list of standard abbreviations for
    various terms so that they can be consistently applied. He kicked off
    with a list of his own. There was some discussion but I somehow doubt
    his list will be used rigorously.


  Thunking semantics of ":="
    Once someone starts to implement a language, you get a wonderful driver
    for design decisions that need to be made and ambiguities to be ironed
    out. On this occasion, Autrijus needed some clarification of the
    semantics of the binding operator, ":=". Ambiguities were ironed, and
    implementations were written (and yes, I *do* mean implementations).


  "for all(@foo) {...}"
    Brad Bowman had questions about the workings of "for all(@foo) {...}"
    based on S03. It turns out that the synopsis is wrong. Larry explained
    how it's supposed to work (which is how it already works in Pugs).


  Lazy Lists + Mutable Arrays + Garbage Collection
    Brad also had questions about the workings of lazy lists. In particular,
    he wondered about treating streams as mutable arrays. Warnock applies.


  "map { $_ => uc $_ }, @foo" again
    Autrijus proposed a cunning plan to deal with the ambiguities inherent

        map { $_ => uc $_ }, @foo;

    by suggesting that using a block without the comma should force said
    block to be interpreted as a block rather than a hash constructor. Larry
    wasn't sure, arguing that it were best to disambiguate with something
    just before, or just inside the block (in the same way that pattern
    modifiers now go before the pattern).


  Passing hash to a sub expecting named params
    Carl Franks wondered if he could pass a splatted hash (*%hash) to a
    function that expects named arguments. Answer, yep.


  Turning off warnings for a function's params?
    David Storrs wanted to be able to turn off selectively turn off some
    warnings when he's testing. He asked how to go about doing it. Luke and
    Juerd provided some answers.


  How do I... tie hashes/arrays
    Discussion of how to tie hashes and arrays continued.


  Surprising consequences
    Juerd worried that code like "if($foo) { say 'foo'}" would throw syntax
    errors. It turns out that one of his givens wasn't quite as given as he
    though. So it's not a syntax error.


  Calls and parens
    Juerd posted a set of examples of the new rules for parsing parentheses
    in function calls and asked which of his assumptions were wrong. Luke
    Palmer reassured him.


  Context and index expressions
    Autrijus posted a set of examples of array indexes and asked if he'd got
    all the contexts right. There was no answer at the time of writing.


Hmm... still fun. I could get used to this.
    If you find these summaries useful or enjoyable, please consider
    contributing to the Perl Foundation to help support the development of

    <> -- The Perl Foundation

    <> -- Perl 6 Development site

    Or, you can check out my website. Maybe now I'm back writing stuff I'll
    start updating it.


    Vaguely pretty photos by me can be found at:


    See you all in a fortnight.

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