I propose that reduce become a metaoperator that can be applied to
any binary operator and turns it syntactically into a list operator.
I am currently thinking that the metaoperator is a prefix spelled \\
(though there are certainly lots of other possibilities that I've laid
awake all night thinking about).  There are the usual suspects like:

    $sum = \\+ @array;
    $fact = \\* 1..$num;

Then there are some rather interesting ones like:

    $firsttrue = \\|| @args;
    $firstdef = \\// @args;
    @sumrows := \\+« @rows;

I particularly want this to replace the semantically ugly "dim" operator
(used to be "semi") in multidimensional subscripts:

    @foo[0..9; \\;(@dims); 0..9]

Also, by the way, infix:<;> now only creates arrays of lists only in
contexts bound to something like


This is how the parameters to a subscript are declared, so they
automatically get a list of lists, even if there are no semicolons
in the subscript.  This gets rid of the "retroactive semicolon"
problem once and for all.

In ordinary list context, infix:<;> is just a list-op-ending "big comma",
but is otherwise treated like an ordinary comma (but only if the
list is in some kind of brackets, of course).

Now here's the interesting part.  The same critera apply to extra
lists added with <== or ==>.  In other words, a function may be be
declared to recognize multiple input pipes as separate lists just
like a subscript recognizes multiple dimensions of slices.  But the
default is to flatten all input pipes into a single input stream.

The new semicolon semantics are relatively non-negotiable, but feel
free to hash out the reduce metaoperator.  Perhaps \\ is the ASCII
version, and people will prefer to write something with less visual
confusion and more mnemonic power:

    $sum = ®+ @array;
    $fact = ®* 1..$num;
    $firsttrue = ®|| @args;
    $firstdef = ®// @args;
    @sumrows := ®+« @rows;
    @foo[0..9; ®;(@dims); 0..9]

Hmm, that kind of says that the ASCII workaround should be:

    $sum = (R)+ @array;
    $fact = (R)* 1..$num;
    $firsttrue = (R)|| @args;
    $firstdef = (R)// @args;
    @sumrows := (R)+« @rows;
    @foo[0..9; (R);(@dims); 0..9]

Which does have the benefit of not letting people confuse \\ with //
semantically or visually.  I guess (R) would be a Texas reduce.  :-)


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