> On 15/05/05 22:48 +0100, Matthew Walton wrote:
> I don't think that is what Rob is saying at all.

It wasn't aimed entirely at Rob. I have a bad habit on mailing lists of
vaguely replying to the entire thread without remembering who said what
and being too lazy to check.
> My read:
>    .method($foo);
> always means:
>    $_.method($foo);
> and
>    $self.method($foo);
> always means
>    $?SELF.method($foo);
> The former is consistent with the rest of Perl 6, and the latter is
> consistent with most of Perl 5 OO code in the wild.
> My only stance is that, given there is no clearly sexy solution, at
> least I can take `$self` home to meet my Mom.

Perhaps. However, I'm uncomfortable with the idea of $self being
automatically assigned, because so far Perl 6 seems to have managed to
avoid automatically providing anything in what I've been thinking of as
the 'normal' or 'user' namespace. $?SELF looks 'special'. Admittedly it
might be nicer if it was $?self, because it still looks 'special'. It's
the same kind of thing that makes me wonder why $a and $b in sort was ever
considered a good idea.
But then perhaps I'm just odd... choosing a name for the invocant yourself
if you don't want $?SELF or $_ to be it (although they will be anyway of
course) seems to me to be the height of programming sexiness. I like being
able to name things myself.


thing proposed in another thread is pretty cool too, by the way, and
largely renders this thread moot. So perhaps I should have replied to

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