On Fri, Jul 08, 2005 at 07:09:31 -0600, Luke Palmer wrote:

> >             the one defined LATER in the file wins

That should read

        "the one defined in the LATER file wins"


> If we're going to make a choice for the user (something we usually
> avoid), we might as well go with the one that I would pick :-)

Blah blah blah, write a pragma, blah blah blah.

I tend to agree on generic -> specific, but if it is to be read like
given/when in a way, which arguably it is behind the scenes, then
maybe we should make given { } take the statements in a block and
execute them from last to first?

> I like the idea of your tree of match order, I just don't like the
> tree itself too much.

It isn't a tree... see below

> If we're going to reorder things for the user,
> it does need to happen in a predictable way, even if it's not correct
> 100% of the time.  I find your tree to be pretty complex (that could
> be because I don't understand the reasoning for the ordering
> decisions).  I'd prefer something more like:
>     1. Constants
>     2. Junctions / Ranges
>     3. Regexes
>     4. Codeblocks

This is pretty match the same as what I proposed...

The sub points are usually clarifications, not a tree.... Did you
actually read it?

It discusses types, roles, inheritence, and so forth, as well as
measuring the "specifity" of junctions of values and types. It's
long because it goes into detail.

> Where none of them is recursively decended into for matching.  That
> particular order has no special significance, it just felt natural. 
> I'm just pointing out that it should be simple[1].

I agree with simplicity.

Please read the sequence i proposed - it's trying to define with
great detail the simplest rules I can think of.

> it is only simple and predictable when you have the whole class
> heirarchy in your head.

That's why under the fourth steps I detailed that MI confusions are
a fatal error, possibly at compile time.

 ()  Yuval Kogman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 0xEBD27418  perl hacker &
 /\  kung foo master: *shu*rik*en*sh*u*rik*en*s*hur*i*ke*n*: neeyah!!!!

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