Speaking briefly, Unicode is the way of the future, and even many modern systems have strong support for it. Perl 6 is a language of the future plus present, not of the past, and shouldn't be limited by things that are only issues for older systems while even then being easy to work-around on them.

I say that we should exploit all the Unicode characters reasonably possible to make for a more elegant language, and any tools currently behind will catch up before long.

In this case, I support the use of any international currency symbol for use as Perl sigils and/or operators as appropriate. Eg, we already use $ (dollar; unicode=0024; utf8=24) and ¥ (yen; unicode=00A5; utf8=C2A5), and I suggest that the next best one to exploit is ¤ (euro; unicode=20AC; utf8=E282AC), and the next best is £ (pound; unicode=00A3; utf8=C2A3). In my experience, the ¢ (cent; unicode=00A3; utf8=C2A3) is no harder to type than either of those.

In some cases, typing a ¢ is easier than most of those characters. On a Macintosh keyboard, typing opt-4 will get a ¢ as shift-4 gets a $. For that matter, Macintosh keyboards and their 'option' key allows one to type twice as many characters without entering special codes or using an input palette as other keyboards having only a 'shift' key do. So in that respect, if you want a sigil that is meant to be discouraged due to being harder to type, then ¢ may be a worse choice than some other options.

On the other hand, if you want to use the ¢ due to its being conceptually tied to $, that they are different units of currency meant to be used together, then the ¢ is fine.

All this being said, if you explicitly want to have ASCII alternatives for all Unicode characters being used, then I suggest it is best to keep the use of Unicode characters mainly in operators, because those are always surrounded by whitespace and can easily be substituted for latin words.

Whereas, because sigils are always right next to ordinary word characters, I suggest that they should always be ASCII characters, or that the ASCII equivalent should not contain any word characters. My impression is that sigils containing alphanumerics just look wrong.

Perhaps a solution here for an ASCII equivalent is something combining the $ and something else. How about this twigil, which combines '::' and '$':


Does that conflict with anything?

-- Darren Duncan

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