On 11/20/05, Ingo Blechschmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yep. Also note that "for" is not a special magical construct in Perl 6,
> it's a simple subroutine (&statement_control:<for>, with the signature
> ([EMAIL PROTECTED], Code *&code)). (Of course, it'll usually be optimized.)
> Example:
>     {
>         my sub statement_control:<for> ([EMAIL PROTECTED], Code *&code) {
>             map &code, reverse @array;
>         }
>         for <a b c> -> $item { say $item }
>         # "c\nb\na\n"
>     }
>     # for restored, as the modified for went out of scope:
>     for <a b c> -> $item { say $item }
>     # "a\nb\nc\n"

Is there a list of the statement control items that are implemented as
such vs. implemented in another way?


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