On Tue, Nov 22, 2005 at 08:19:04PM +1100, Damian Conway wrote:
: >And perhaps we'd want a general form for specifying other 
: >pattern syntaxes; i.e., :perl5 and :glob are shortcuts for
: >:syntax('perl5') and :syntax('glob') or something like that.
: Agreed.

But the language in the following lexical scope is a constant, so what can
:syntax($foo) possibly mean?  [Wait, this is Damian I'm talking to.]
Nevermind, don't answer that...

And there aren't that many regexish languages anyway.  So I think :syntax
is relatively useless except for documentation, and in practice people
will almost always omit it, which makes it even less useful, and pretty
nearly kicks it over into the category of multiplied entities for me.


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