On 4/26/06, Joe Gottman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> According to Synopsis 5, the repetition qualifier is now **{.} where the .
> must correspond to either an Int or a Range.  This seems rather restrictive.
> Why are we not allowed a junction of Ints, for instance

S05 also says:
It is illegal to return a list, so this easy mistake fails:
     / [foo]**{1,3} /
(At least, it fails in the absence of use rx :listquantifier, which is
likely to be unimplemented in Perl 6.0.0 anyway).

So it seems only reason not to allow lists is that they aren't yet
implemented, and likely won't be for some time.

> Also, I don't know exactly what the syntax looks like, but I can imagine
> using a repetition qualifier that takes a closure of some sort, for instance
> to match an odd number of repetitions
> m/^ a**{($_ % 2 == 0)} $/; #I'm not sure about the syntax for the code.

Are you reading some old version of S05?
http://dev.perl.org/perl6/doc/design/syn/S05.html says that "The
repetition specifier is now **{...} for maximal matching, with a
corresponding **{...}? for minimal matching. Space is allowed on
either side of the asterisks. The curlies are taken to be a closure
returning an Int or a Range object. "

So you can just put any closure which returns Int or Range directly
within the curlies.

Markus Laire

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