On Fri, Aug 25, 2006 at 12:38:33PM -0700, Trey Harris wrote:
: But in order to allow that choice, the language has to impose some 
: groundrules for everyone.  strict couldn't exist in Perl 5 if lexicals 
: could autovivify.  And--*by my understanding of DBC*--subclasses can't 
: remove promised functionality or impose surprising constraints.  So a) 
: Perl 6 can't support DBC, contrary to the Synopses, b) you can't remove 
: functionality or impose new constraints in subclasses, or c) my 
: understanding of DBC is incorrect.

In Perl 6, option b is deemed to be correct, but allow me to reiterate that:

    1) a role is not a superclass
    2) a subset is not a subclass


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