On Sunday 09 December 2007 22:04:30 Richard Hainsworth wrote:

>  I download pugs and parrot from
> SVN repositories, written tests - one of which still hangs the
> compilation of pugs. Indeed the test I wrote for pugs concerned the
> ability of pugs to use existing CPAN modules. I have tried parrot with
> SDL and the tests fail. My aim was to write a P6 GUI module so that from
> the start it would be easy for P6 users to generate UI interfaces easily.

If you send me or the Parrot list the Parrot test results, I will do my best 
to fix them.

> Unfortunately, despite my eagerness, I am not a professional programmer
> with the time or the skill to fix the problems. Where I can contribute
> is to express a view about how P6 might best be developed.

Hey, I'm a trained musician and sometimes novelist who develops software on 
the side, and the primary reasons @Larry absorbed me are that:

1) I transcribe conversations faster than anyone else on the team
2) I had a working keycard to O'Reilly's Tarsier meeting room in Sebastopol

and the reason I keep working on this stuff is:

3) I'm some combination of too stubborn or too stupid not to keep working on 

All it takes to make a contribution is a fraction of my stupid or my stubborn 
plus some spare time.

-- c

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