On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 1:01 PM, Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  While I agree with the sentiment of not arbitrarily restricting
>  people from doing ugly things unless they ask for such restrictions,

Agreed... though I disagree that the sort of overloading under
discussion ("/" for separating paths) falls into the "ugly things"

>  I'd also like to point out that the desire to maintain consistent
>  symbolic distinctions is not limited to mathematicians.

Absolutely.   Or rather, not absolutely. I think absolute consistency
is in the same category as absolute orthogonality... too much of a
good thing.

>  The use of + in Python or << in C++ is, I think, primarily the
>  violation of a *linguistic* principle, not a mathematical principle.

Maybe it's just 'cause I cut my teeth on BASIC, but + for string
concatenation has always felt pretty natural.  Obviously it won't work
in Perl where you are using the operator to determine how to treat the
operands.   At first blush I find it more readily readable than "&" or
"||", or even ".".

And "<<" makes sense for the various kinds of appending it is used for
in C++, Ruby, etc, but only if you don't look at it and think "bit
shift". Fortuantely, bit shift isn't a fundamental arithmetic
operation in the traditional sense, and the set of people who think
that is proportionally smaller.

>  The typical user already has a good notion of what the common operators
>  are, and what they mean.  So while drastically changing the meaning
>  of one of those operators may not be a disservice to the writer of
>  the code, it may well be a disservice to the reader.

I agree *changing* the meaning is bad.  But the Good Kind of operator
overloading doesn't do that; it just adds a new meaning.  It really is
"overloading".  Hopefully, the new meaning is somewhat related to the
original - a sort of operator metonymy - but if the context is
sufficiently different, that's not a requirement.  Again, nobody's
going to think you're dividing pathnames.

>  Perl is about linguistics, and hence is more concerned with successful
>  communication than with pure mathematical platonics.

Which is why I like it so much more than certain of its brethren with
their Orthogonality Ueber Alles attitude.  I just don't want to see
that sort of prescriptivity creep in to Perl.


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