On Mon, 22 Dec 2008, Daniel Ruoso wrote:

Em Seg, 2008-12-22 às 15:06 +1100, Timothy S. Nelson escreveu:
On Sat, 20 Dec 2008, Mark Overmeer wrote:
For ???B.  In the current set-up, you use CPAN.pm to download, and then
install.  The 'cpan' script is a wrapper around CPAN.pm.  CPAN.pm starts
the install tool.  A more convient structure would be to have an user
application (maybe the same 'cpan' script), which calls some download
backend to retreive the distribution and then calls the right install
tool per distribution.  I would say: ???B is "cpan-NG"
        That would be one way of labelling it.  I prefer to leave that
labelling up to the people who will actually be writing the software.  For all
I know, they might prefer to begin with a direct port of CPANPLUS, and work
from there.

While I agree that ???B plays the role that CPAN.pm does today, I do
think we should leave that to be implementation specific, being the

Agreed, but I keep (probably unwisely) thinking of these as reference documentation as well as specs, so I thought a note on where to look for more information would be appropriate; that's what the ???B business is a placeholder for.


| Name: Tim Nelson                 | Because the Creator is,        |
| E-mail: wayl...@wayland.id.au    | I am                           |

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