Patrick R. Michaud |Perl 6| wrote:
The page currently says:

"The reason this [.prime] works is because the method-call syntax will call an ordinary non-member sub also."

I think this is no longer the case (and hasn't been for some time).


Wow, that's news to me.

I found the paragraph that has been inserted in S12 to that effect,
larry 8/21/2008 2:58:24 PM remove failover from methods to subs

but it was crudly inserted, so just before it the text still reads, "The "dot" form and the indirect object form DEFAULT to method calls. All other prefix calls DEFAULT to subroutine calls." (emphasis mine),

and in S06,

   set_name $obj: "Sam";   # try $obj.set_name("Sam") first, then
                           # fall-back to set_name($obj, "Sam")
   $obj.set_name("Sam");   # same as the above

So, I'll make some edits this weekend.


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